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Road Opening Licence Section 184

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Section 184 Application

This application must be completed by the person holding the public liability insurance.

If you have a Section 278 agreement already, you do not need this licence. Please contact our Streetworks team instead to get a permit for the works.

Your Details

Work Details

Traffic management details
Traffic management details *

Some carriageway incursion

If you have answered Yes to any of the traffic management details, please complete the relevant section below.

Temporary traffic signals
I have read and understood the conditions of using temporary traffic signals and have submitted the appropriate form.
Does your work require the following:
If 'Yes' when would this service be required
Please allow a minimum of 30 days notice from the date we receive the application to allow time to inspect the site and process all documentation. Please note that it is your responsibility, as part of this application to notify the statutory undertakers of any proposed works that may affect them.
Please note that if the actual completion date is unknown then enter the estimated completion date.

Temporary Road Closure
If you are requesting a temporary road closure, we require that you submit a temporary road closure application up to 8 weeks in advance. This is to allow for the processing and notices to be advertised


I/We accept full responsibility for damage of any kind whatsoever which may be caused to the public highway as a result of work at the location described and hereby undertake to pay Surrey County Council the total cost of any repairs to the public highway as may be deemed necessary by the Area Maintenance Manager / Engineer. I/We agree to be bound by the conditions contained within the permission, if granted, to open the public highway and will ensure the works will be signed and guarded as contained in the Traffic Signs Manual Chapter 8 (Traffic measures and signs for Roadworks and temporary Situations)

Please make your selections
Item Item cost Quantity Amount
Section 184 licence fee (non-refundable) * £417.00 £417.00
Road Opening with less the 10m2 (deposit) £865.00 £0.00
Road Opening with works 10.1m2 to 15m2 (deposit) £1585.00 £0.00
Road Opening woth works 15.1m2 to 20m2 (deposit) £2207.00 £0.00
Road Opening with works 20.1m2 to 25m2 (deposit) £2871.00 £0.00
Road Opening with works greater than 25.1m2 (deposit to be agreed and paid later) £0.00 £0.00

Payment required

How do you wish to pay? *
To continue to pay by debit or credit card online, please choose how you wish to pay, then click "Submit".

All our online payments are handled by our partner, WorldPay. All communication between the shopper and WorldPay is encrypted to the maximum strength supported by the shopper's browser using 128 Bit SSL.
If you have completed all the fields marked *, then please click "Submit".
