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Register of Landowner Statements and Highways Statements and Declarations - reference 31(6)-F-01-02

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Name or description of land:
AHVLA New Haw, Weybridge

Borough or district(s):


Nearest town or city:

Nearest postcode:
KT15 3NB

Unique reference (highways declarations only):

Grid reference:
TQ 042 628

Land owner:
The Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Land owner's address or contact details:
Acorus, Pendeford House, Pendeford Business Park, Wobaston Road, Wolverhampton, WV9 5AP.

Date(s) on which the deposits were received:
01/24/2014, 02/26/2014

Date on landowner statements:

Date on highways statements:
11/22/96, 12/23/2013

Date on highways declarations:
05/07/97, 02/12/2003, 02/27/2014

Renewal date(s) (highways declarations only):

See also AHVLA Old Rectory and Appstree Farms, Ockham (Guildford), Signed by E. A. Rogers on behalf of DEFRA.

S&P - Land known as VLA New Haw, Chertsey - 22.11.1996_Redacted.pdfS&P - Land known as VLA New Haw, Chertsey - 22.11.1996_Redacted.pdfSD - Land known as VLA New Haw, Chertsey - 07.05.1997_Redacted.pdfSD - Land known as VLA New Haw, Chertsey - 07.05.1997_Redacted.pdfSD - Land known as VLA New Haw, Chertsey - 12.02.2003_Redacted.pdfSD - Land known as VLA New Haw, Chertsey - 12.02.2003_Redacted.pdfHS-New Haw-Chertsey-RUN-2014_Redacted.pdfHS-AHVLA New Haw Notice 2014.pdfHD-New Haw-Chertsey-RUN-2014_Redacted.pdfHD-AHVLA New Haw Notice 2014.pdf


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