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Register of Landowner Statements and Highways Statements and Declarations - reference 31(6)-I-06-01

by District/Borough | by Parish | Search

Name or description of land:
Compton Estates (Surrey North & South Estates)

Borough or district(s):

Chelsham and Farleigh

Nearest town or city:

Nearest postcode:

Unique reference (highways declarations only):

Grid reference:
TQ 376 495

Land owner:
Daniel Bingham Compton of Earl Compton Estates

Land owner's address or contact details:
Estate Office, Castle Ashby, Northampton

Date(s) on which the deposits were received:

Date on landowner statements:

Date on highways statements:

Date on highways declarations:
12/19/96, 02/20/2004

Renewal date(s) (highways declarations only):

Amended version of May 03 statement and plan dated 20.2.04, statutory declarations received on 24/3/04. Stat Dec 1996 partly missing.
Also in Parishes of : Crowhurst, Godstone, Oxted, Tandridge, Titsey, Woldingham

S&P -Surrey North & South Estate -20.02.2004_Redacted.pdfS&P -Surrey North & South Estate -20.02.2004_Redacted.pdfSD - Surrey North & South Estate - 19.12.1996.pdfSD - Surrey North & South Estate - 19.12.1996.pdf[attachment "SD - Surrey North & South Estate - 19.12.1996_Redacted.pdf" deleted by Daniel Williams/EAI/SCC] SD - Surrey North & South Estates - 20.02.2004_Redacted.pdfSD - Surrey North & South Estates - 20.02.2004_Redacted.pdf


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